ASG Solutions Corporation d/b/a American Systems Group—Reconsideration (B-422558.2)

ASG Solutions Corporation d/b/a American Systems Group—Reconsideration (B-422558.2)
Photo by Federico Beccari / Unsplash

You should not care.

Category: Reconsideration, debarment

Date: 26 February 2025


ASG Solutions Corporation (ASG) sought reconsideration of GAO’s prior dismissal of its protest against the Navy’s sole-source award for installation energy management support services to Futron Inc. ASG’s original protest argued that the Navy misclassified the procurement as a commercial service rather than using the mandatory Seaport NxG contract vehicle. GAO dismissed the protest because ASG, at the time, was suspended and proposed for debarment, rendering it ineligible to receive a federal contract.

ASG requested reconsideration after its suspension was lifted on 19 November 2024, arguing that it was now an interested party capable of award. GAO denied the request, reaffirming that a protester’s status is assessed at the time of the decision. The change in ASG’s eligibility occurred five months after GAO’s ruling, which did not retroactively alter the correctness of the original dismissal.


Request for reconsideration based on change in requester’s status as a potentially interested party is denied where the change occurred after issuance of our decision dismissing protest because requester was not an interested party at the time the protest was filed.