HHS launches two programs to tackle AI in drug safety and vaccine design

As fully covered on FederalNewsNetwork’s Federal Drive, Health and Human Services’ Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health (ARPA-H) launched two new initiatives to address complex biomedical challenges. The first, Catalyst, focuses on using AI tools to improve drug development by predicting human outcomes in preclinical phases, thus reducing the high failure rates of clinical trials. Dr. Andy Kilianski, ARPA-H's program manager, emphasizes the need for computational models that better represent the genetic diversity of the population.
The second program, Apex, aims to use computational systems to design vaccines for future public health emergencies. By targeting multiple infectious diseases, Apex hopes to create commercially viable vaccines that can combat both known and emerging threats. These programs leverage cutting-edge AI technology to simulate human physiology, moving away from traditional animal models.
Both initiatives are funded through competitive grants, drawing on partnerships with academia, NGOs, and industry. Kilianski stresses the importance of involving startups and smaller companies in these efforts, ensuring the broadest participation in tackling these "moonshot" biomedical challenges.
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