House passes Dole Act to modernize VA healthcare, benefits, and workforce support

House passes Dole Act to modernize VA healthcare, benefits, and workforce support
Photo by Zhen H / Unsplash

The House approved the Sen. Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act, introducing significant updates to how the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) delivers healthcare and benefits, reports FedNewsNetwork. The legislation enhances pay flexibility for VA healthcare workers, including recruitment, retention, and relocation bonuses, and requires annual pay evaluations. It also mandates the development of staffing models to ensure timely access to care and launches a value-based care pilot program prioritizing quality, performance, and patient satisfaction.

The bill reauthorizes the VET-TEC program, allowing up to 4,000 veterans annually to receive IT training, and funds initiatives for home-based care, aging veterans, and homelessness support. Notably, the Dole Act omits the RESET Act, which aimed to address critical issues with the VA's troubled Oracle-Cerner electronic health record (EHR) system. Lawmakers cited ongoing delays, patient safety issues, and operational failures with the EHR, which remains deployed at just six of 172 VA medical centers.