DPR-RQ Construction, LLC (B-422081.2)

DPR-RQ Construction, LLC (B-422081.2)
Photo by James Sullivan / Unsplash

You should not care.

Category: Technical evaluation, schedule, cost or price evaluation, best value tradeoff

Date: 23 January 2025

URL: https://www.gao.gov/products/b-422081.2

DPR-RQ Construction, LLC, protested Army’s issuance of a task order to StructSure Projects, Inc., for renovations to medical facilities at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Liberty, North Carolina. The protest challenged the agency’s evaluation under the functional concept, schedule, and price factors, as well as the best value tradeoff decision.

Technical evaluation—functional concept weaknesses: DPR-RQ received an "acceptable" rating owing to four weaknesses, including an operating room (OR) design that was “not user friendly” and did “not demonstrate a well-thought-out design.” GAO found no inconsistency in the evaluation and rejected allegations of disparate treatment, ruling that StructSure’s design was materially different.

Schedule evaluation—unclear period of performance and unsynchronized design reviews: DPR-RQ’s proposal was rated “marginal” due to ambiguity over its proposed schedule duration and overlapping review periods that could create delays. GAO found the agency reasonably assessed risk and denied the challenge.

Price evaluation—unbalanced and unreasonable pricing allegations rejected: DPR-RQ alleged StructSure’s pricing was unbalanced and that Army failed to compare its price against other offers. GAO dismissed the unbalanced pricing claim as the solicitation did not require such an analysis and denied the reasonableness challenge, citing clear evidence that the agency compared prices among offerors.

As all evaluation challenges failed, GAO found no basis to question the Army’s decision that StructSure’s higher-rated proposal merited the price premium. Protest denied.


Protest challenging the agency’s evaluation under the technical concept, schedule, and price factors is denied where the record reflects that the agency’s evaluation was reasonable and consistent with the terms of the solicitation.