Repaintex NS Property, LLC (B-422513.3; B-422513.4)
You should not care.
Category: Technical evaluation, best-value tradeoff
Date: 29 January 2025
Repaintex NS Property, LLC, an 8(a) small business, protested GSA’s award of a custodial services contract to Tanaq Government Services, LLC (TGS), for work at the Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright federal buildings in Washington, DC. Repaintex challenged GSA’s evaluation of its technical proposal, arguing that the agency improperly assigned weaknesses to its staffing, quality control, and cleaning plans. The protester also claimed GSA conducted an unreasonable best value tradeoff.
Staffing, quality control, and cleaning plan deficiencies: GSA rated Repaintex’s proposal as unacceptable, citing multiple weaknesses, including failure to address child care center cleaning requirements, proposing prohibited deicing substances, and an unclear staffing plan. GAO found the evaluation reasonable and consistent with the solicitation.
No prejudice from alleged evaluation errors: GAO found Repaintex was not prejudiced by any potential errors in GSA’s evaluation. Even if some weaknesses were removed, the proposal would still have been rated unacceptable due to other deficiencies.
Outcome: GAO ruled that GSA properly found Repaintex’s proposal ineligible for award and that the best-value determination was reasonable.
Protest challenging an agency’s technical evaluation of the protester’s proposal is denied where the evaluation was reasonable and performed in accordance with the terms of the solicitation, and where the protester is unable to demonstrate competitive prejudice.
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